Friday, February 6, 2009

Full Circle

Here's my update:

1. Had a phone interview with VF Corporation for a store manager position, but they passed on me for my lack of store management experience. Remember Laresa: Things happen for a reason. Wasn't meant to be.

2. Bundled up and headed to The Legends and turned in my resume to many different stores, and landed myself an interview with Claire's. Just what I needed to end the day.

3. Miscommunication from the HR Department of KUMED (and my not asking further questions and being too sheepish) caused for a re-offer of employment today. Yea!

4. My old District Director from Stein Mart calls to offer me an Assistant Manager position again. The catch? Relocate to St. Louis. While just being back with Stein Mart sounds appealing, relocating to a town full of no one's, when I'm not even sure where Stein Mart will be in a year seals the deal that that would have been the easiest and dumbest decision at the same time. It is time for CHANGE!

5. Decide to take the offer at KUMED. While change is incredibly scary, it's even more scary to think about staying in retail in an economy like this, and if I want a change in my life, this is THE time to do it. My degree is in the helping field and that is exactly what I want to get back to doing. So what if I have to live paycheck to paycheck for a while? I won't be doing it forever, and I have to start somewhere. (plus, being out of retail means 1/4 of my check won't be going right back into it!)

6. Did I mention that since I've never known a year with more than 11 weekends off, evenings free, without a can't wait til it's over holiday season, I have absolutely no idea how to fathom now having those things? I'm so flippin' excited!

7. I've also learned that I needed this time to evalute where I am in life and what I want from it. If I had taken the KUMED job when it was first offered, I would not have learned as much about myself as I've had the chance to do these past 4 1/2 weeks. I would have still had a lot of "what ifs" and those are never fun. So, I truly believe that I've been given a second chance with them because that's how it was supposed to work out. It sucked and I definitely would have had more money in my pocket had I taken it the first time around, but money can't buy life lessons. One that I am grateful to have had, and will be all the more prepared if it ever happens again.


catie said...

Hooray! Well...get ready for more change and learning a lot of new acronyms! Welcome aboard co-worker.

Jenn said...

I'm really happy you're enjoying your new job. It sounds like a keeper.
By the way... I would have loved for you to come to St. Louis. Though you didn't relocate here, you're welcome (invited) to come visit anytime. I miss all the familiar faces from back home. It's pretty sad that it took such a huge move for me to really appreciate everyone who was already in my life.