Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pieces of Me

Loyal; Dependable; Competitive; Generous; Kind; Sense of Humor; Giving; Friendly; Sensitive; Movie Lover; Writer; Party Planner; Hostess; Sentimental; Remembers Birthdays and Anniversaries; Loves Family; Good Friend; Babysitter; Goody-Goody; Has Never Tried Smoking; Smart; Pretty; Picky Eater; Dresses Well; Ambitious; Persistent; Good Memory; Listens Well; Independent; Caregiver to Baxter; Good Manager; Romantic; Thrill-taker; Planner; Great with jigsaw puzzles; Great card/game player; Great Credit Score; Fair decorator; Organized; Clean; Self-Reliant; Degree-holder; Good with Kids; Good with Elderly; Sympathetic; Sarcastic; Christian; Frugal; Fun; Charming; Jealous Tendencies; Gives 150%; Outgoing; Selfish at Times; Selfless at Other Times; Enthusiastic; Cheerleader at Work; Naive with Politics and History; Good at Math and English; Loves Music; Good Singer; Cries at Sad Movies; Options in Life; Computer Knowledge is Fair; Insecure; Creative; Unique

These are just a few pieces of me. For me, it's hard to really sit down and decide what it is that I like about myself without focusing more on the things I don't like. I tried very hard to tip the scale to the positive. At 27, I am finally realizing that it is ok to be me, and I am a better person for embracing those qualities.

1 comment:

Lady and Tater said...

I think you're a good friend, you have a wonderful smile and you're fun to hang out with... and that's with less than 5 times of seeing you!!! HA!